Celebration of Independence Day in India
15th August is a very special day in the history of India. The independence of India was achieved, through continuous brave struggles and the sacrifice of thousands of precious lives, on 15th August, 1947. We celebrate our Independence Day every year as the most precious achievement of the nation.
Any country which has experienced the ignominy and acute sufferings of all sorts under foreign domination, knows how priceless independence is. In case of India, this should be more keenly felt because she was under British rule for nearly two hundred years.
Source of Inspiration
The independence movement in India was carried on by the Indian freedom fighters. These freedom fighters had to undergo a hard and severe struggle. This day reminds us of the struggle of the freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives for their country. It inspires us to love our country. We are the future of our country. And, we should be ready to sacrifice everything for our country.
Celebrate our Freedom
On this day, we celebrate our freedom. We are a free country. Our democratic rights as citizens of India are secured. We also enjoy the fundamental rights guaranteed by our constitution. We are a self-ruled democratic country. We have voting rights. We have the right to choose our government. The feeling of freedom and self-reliance fills our heart with unparalleled happiness. However, we must remember that the fragrance of free air that we are experiencing is not really free. It is the result of tireless efforts and countless sacrifices of our country-men.
Tribute to Freedom Fighters
Homage and tribute is paid to the freedom fighters, who lost their lives for securing freedom for the country. We are free today because of the leaders of Indian Independence movement. It is very important that we pay tribute to these leaders.
Grand Ceremony at Red Fort
A gorgeous Independence Day ceremony that is held every year, at Red Fort in New Delhi, makes every Indian proud of his country. On 15th August, 1947, Jawahar Lal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India, hoisted the National Flag of India. Following that occasion, on every Independence day, the Prime Minister hoists the tricolor national flag and gives a speech. The Prime Minister addresses the nation and pays honor and tribute to the known and unknown freedom fighters who secured freedom for us. The National Anthem of India is sung. Parades of Indian Forces are held. This is a great moment for every Indians.
All Indians will celebrate the 70th Independence day ceremony on 15th August, 2016. There is a national holiday on this day. Most of the offices, banks and public offices remain closed on this day.
Independence Day is celebrated at every parts of the country. In the morning of 15th August, the national flag is hoisted at every school and college, Government buildings and even on top of some houses.
There are certain rules against the misuse of the national flag. Some of the most important of these are as follows:
- Flag should not be lowered before anything
- It is to be borne on the right shoulder of the standard bearer and carried in front of the procession.
- No other flag should be placed above the national flag or to its right.
- When the flag is horizontal, the saffron end should be at the top.
The National Flag reminds us of the sacrifices made by our freedom-fighters to earn us freedom. We should up-hold its glory and honour by all means within our power. If necessary, we should defend the honor of the flag with the last drop of our blood. It is our duty and responsibility to honor the flag as it constantly reminds us of our hard earned freedom.
The price of liberty is eternal vigil, and our brave soldiers are doing their duties efficiently. Besides celebration, we must also have enough honesty and national spirit, and spirit of sacrifice for the general good.
This is a day of joy, glory, and pride for all Indians.
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