Get Over A Hangover – Tips
If you have a thousands of pins, pinning your head, have just enough energy to prise your eyelids open, and want a quick solution, skip the first part of my hub, with my apologies. After you are better, and resolve not to have a hangover again, return to this point in my hub to find out how.
First, let’s see how you can avoid hangovers.
1. Eat before and during the drink session, not after.
Some people I know drink on an empty tummy, dummies! That contributes to early nausea, headaches, not regulating the quantity of food, and funny pix of you posted over the net.
And when you get sozzled silly, you might think it a good idea to skip dinner and go straight to bed. Next time you do that, you deserve the ensuing hangover!
2. Eat lots of fruit and salads.
Alcohol in, vitamins out. So you need to compensate for those. So indulge in salads for sidesnacks, and drink glasses of orange and grape juice beforehand. I don’t know if the juice in your vodka counts, sorry.
3. Milk and Curds.
I learnt this from a close friend. Before going out to wild parties, take in a lot of curds or milk. This gives an antinausea lining to your stomach walls. Unless you want to be really wild!
4. Know yourself.
Stick to your drinking limits and you are safe. When You mix a beer session with rum or whisky, like I once did to oblige a stupid friend, You get a mega hangover the morning after. If something does not work for you, don’t do it.
5. Drink H2O @ Water
Many of my hangovers were due to my not drinking enough water. So pour in glasses of water, before and after session.
6. Cut down on smoking.
Sometimes the smoke is the culprit. More the cigarette count, the worse you feel later. If you don’t smoke, choose a chair away from the smoke, or move your chair, if possible.
It also makes sense not to sit in bar corners where the smoke remains longer. Central areas are better.
7. Slow and Steady.
Space out your drinks, or go slow. The fewer your drinks within a timeperiod, the less you are affected. Ah, yes, it kills the fun a bit, too.
8. Dance, talk, sing.
Involve yourself in an interesting activity; don’t just sit there gulping down the drinks. You get less sozzled that way. Also cuts the danger of you dropping off to sleep, which is instant nausea when you wake up. And sing or dance only where you can. Though if you are bounced early enough, you won’t have a big hangover, so singing and dancing is a good thing!
9. Get a good night’s sleep.
Sensible folks indulge only on Saturdays, and can sleep it off on Sunday. Less sleep could be the reason for your condition, friend, go back to sleep!
Cures for a Hangover
Okay, okay, the top of your head comes off every time an ant passes by, and this stupid guy is giving you tips on how to avoid it next time? Stop swearing and listen:
Drink lots of water or juice. (You could be dehydrated.)
Drink soup.
Eat something, specially fruits and salads.
Go back to sleep.
Take a nice, hot, bath.
Bite into a piece of ginger.
Be nice to people. (Of course. Unwise to get into arguments now.)
Have rice with curds.
Still there? Go back to sleep… Do it now!
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