Meaning of the Months
January : Januarius (latin), after Janus, the Roman god who faces two ways and was often represented on doorways.
February : Februarius (latin), taken from Februa, a purification rite that took place on Feb 15th.
March : Martius (latin), named after Mars, the Roman god of war.
April : Aprilis (Latin) “to open” : blossoming flowers.
May : Maius (larin), after the goddess Maia or “majores” (‘elders’) and referring to a period when older people were honored.
June : Junius (latin), named after the goddess Jno or “iuniores (young people) indicating a period when youth was celebrated.
July : Named after Gaius Julius Caesar.
August : Named after Agustus Caesar, the first Roman Emperor.
September : Septem (latin), meaning ‘seven’ originally the 7th month in the Roman calendar.
October : Octo (latin), meaning ‘eight’ originally the 8th month in the Roman calendar.
November : Novem (latin), meaning ‘nine’ originally the 9th month in the Roman calendar.
December : Decem (latin) meaning ‘ten – originally the 10th month in the Roman calendar.
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